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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 21, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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is, but please don't sue me. >> yes, that was one of my cameramen almost had his hand bitten off by a snow leopard. it was a quite extraordinary hour, that is jack hannah and friends here on friday night, 9:00, eastern, happy thanksgiving. >> a new day here, day five of the conflict, when word spread here, it was gaza city. people took to the streets, massive traffic and crowds as people celebrated, the gazans celebrated what they saw as a victory for hamas. question is, will all of this hold or when the cheering end and rockets happen once again? will all of these people once again take cover in their homes? will the celebrations end and
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the fear return? for u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton, and morsi, the agreement calls for discussion on a number of issues, including freedom of movement for palestinians, in and out of gaza. and the agreement not to target the area in gaza, and to halt rocket fire into israel. again, a discussion, nothing is a done deal. over the next hour we'll look at the negotiations still happening now. we'll also hear from the spokesperson for the israeli defense forces, and the leader of hamas, plus, the reporters on the ground, and we'll look at what transpired over the last 24 hours. it is remarkable there was a cease-fire this hour, when you consider how this wednesday started off. take a look. at mid-day, no sign of a truce yet when a city bus is bombed in
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tel aviv. at least two dozen were wounded. israeli police say hamas left the bombs on the bus. only one exploded. hamas praised the attack, but the group didn't claim responsibility. farther south, an israeli home was hit by a rocket, room after room, left in ruins. according to the military, more than 60 rockets were fired from gaza today, with more than 40 landed in israel. the others were intercepted. across the border in gaza, the explosions throughout the morning and afternoon. a 100 strikes confirmed by the israelis today before the cease-fire. the sky covered in smoke, the city on edge. cnn's a away -- arwa damon has more. >> reporter: there is a bouquet
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lying there amidst the rubble. it appears in this case, the target of the strike was the police station behind it. >> but after tense negotiations, u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton and egyptian president mohamed morsi announced a cease-fire. >> the united states welcomes the cease-fire in gaza. for it to hold, the rockets must end for it to create a broader calm. >> reporter: and israeli president benjamin netanyahu talks with reporters. >> i know there are those who expect an even more intense military response. and that may, perhaps, be needed. but at this time, the right thing for the state of israel is to exhaust this opportunity to obtain a long-term cease-fire. >> throughout gaza, celebration and gunfire rings out. the leader of hamas is defiant.
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>> israel, in all its goals have failed, thanks to god. >> reporter: and on the streets of gaza city, massive crowds and traffic. the tension, seemingly gone as people celebrate the cease-fire and leave their homes for the first time in days. >> i haven't seen this many people in the streets of gaza for quite sometime. you can hear the mosques blaring, the horns honking. people whistling, cheering. >> reporter: and let's go over to gaza city right now, ben wedeman is there, as well as arwa damon. let's move the story forward, what happens now? >> reporter: well, really, the next 24 hours is critical. we can still hear the israeli drones over head. the troops are in gaza.
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if this cease-fire doesn't hold, the military has expressed their concern thathere may be violations. but if nothing major occurs then they will be able to start actually talk about some of the details that were laid out in the agreement that was worked out between hamas and israel with the help of the egyptians. things like opening of the crossings, easing the traffic restrictions. certainly, hamas will welcome the fact they will be no longer moving targets when they step outside their houses here in gaza. so it is really -- if we can get through a period of relative quiet and peace, then they can start to work on something a little more permanent than just 24 hours of relative quiet. anderson? >> and arwa, i can hear across the skies, the drones we've heard over the last eight or nine days. you have spoke with a lot of
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people this evening, how did they see it? >> reporter: well, there is of course a sense of relief, understandably, even if the cease-fire does not hold. but for the time being they are able to get out. we were down in the streets among them. many were celebrating, saying what they called hamas's victory, a victory for the palestinians. others, though, say they were simply out celebrating because they could, because they spent so many days cooped up. the entire vehicles with children packed inside them. one father said his kids had begged him to take them out, because they had spent so much time inside. and just an overwhelming sense of relief that at least for now, people can get some sleep and be at ease with the knowledge that at least for now, there is not going to be the unexpected strike near their home. >> ben, you and i have talked a lot about this over the last couple of nights about the level of support that hamas has among
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people in gaza. talk about that a little bit. and the decision made tonight. the cease-fire, how does that bolster hamas? >> reporter: well, it bolsters hamas in the way that they were a, able to confront israel, and to provide a military challenge to israel and emerge from it without leaving large swaths of gaza in rubble. what we saw four years ago, they had another confrontation with israel. israel sent in the ground troops. it was a 22-day bruising war with at least a thousand people killed. after that, there was a great deal of resentment for getting gaza into that mess. this time around, the mess has been avoided in relative terms compared to the last four years. and hamas can say as a result of this war, we have something to show. an easing of the crossings.
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the end to israeli military operations and air strikes within gaza, these targeted air strikes. i'm not talking about the campaigning of bombing of the last eight days. so they do have something to show for the suffering that has happened here. and that is something that will bolster their position. is hamas popular? not necessarily. there are a lot of people who benefit from it. but many palestinians here in gaza really do feel that hamas is by no means a democratic regime. and it is a regime that really doesn't have much tolerance for any sort of dissent. anderson? >> yeah, we have certainly seen that. arwa damon, ben wedeman. i am curious to know your thoughts on this cease-fire. obviously the devil is in the details and you want to see what is going to happen in the next 24 hours.
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but for now, the troops on the israeli-hamas border, are they staying there? >> they're staying there for the night. and we'll have an assessment. we'll see what to do with the soldiers, maybe some will stay there, some go home, see if the situation stabilizes. >> and can you comment on whether the drones will continue to fly? >> the drones are an entirely different issue. it has something to do with intelligence. we wouldn't attack gaza since we are respecting the cease-fire. however, if a launching squad will attempt to target us, we will have to target the launching squad. >> there have been some rockets fired towards israel, how many since the cease-fire went into effect? >> since 9:00 this evening, israeli time, the rockets were fired, two of them were intercepted, and three of them landed in israel. >> and how do you view that? >> we try to take it into proportion and see that this is just the beginning of the
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cease-fire. this is why we have not responded. as i said before, the next coming weeks will really determine where exactly we are heading. >> so even though there were five rockets fired beyond the dome, you are not responding. >> right, we are practicing our restraint. >> in terms of hamas, what does this mean for israel's relation with hamas? >> well, first of all, hamas suffered a very large blow in the operation. we targeted a large part of its arsenal, especially the iranian-manufactured missiles. the tel aviv and jerusalem area, and many of them were hidden underground, many places like the soccer stadium. that we targeted in the night, and media buildings had terrorists in them, and so on.
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so the very accurate targets, i think caused quite a big shock to hamas. >> obviously, israel in the past has dealt with the palestinian authority. israel does not recognize hamas, hamas does not recognize israel's right to exist. can you see a day where that changes that israel sits down with hamas or even recognizes hamas? >> well, this is really a political echelon, but i don't see the near time, a day that there will be in the near future for this type of reconciling. >> prime minister netanyahu spoke about that. what would a ground operation have looked like from that perspective? >> a lot of forces, maybe tens of thousands, going deeply into the rocket areas, where the storages are, looking for the tunnels, we have bombed something like that 140 tunnels in this current operation out of
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400. so going deeply into those places, in the civilian areas, where the weaponry and the ammunition is really hidden there, this is something you can only do on ground operation ope >> do you have any type of rockets, how many they still have left? >> a small number to our estimation. >> dozens? >> yeah, even less than dozens, but keep in mind that iran will try to smuggle more rockets of this kind, since they damaged this arsenal. >> so you have no doubt under the cease-fire that hamas and other troops will try to bring the rockets in? >> i hope they will respect the cease-fire. it happened in the past many times, but we have to be alert for this. >> thank you very much for being here, i know it is late, we have a lot more ahead. the political leader of hamas
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says his group was not behind the bombing of the bus. she pressed him about whether his group would ever be able to recognize israel's right to exist, what he said next. [ male announcer ] this is steve. he loves risk. but whether he's climbing everest, scuba diving the great barrier reef with sharks, or jumping into the market, he goes with people he trusts, which is why he trades with a company that doesn't nickel and dime him with hidden fees. so he can worry about other things, like what the market is doing and being ready, no matter what happens, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense, from td ameritrade. hurry in this friday for great deals. like the droid razr by motorola in cranberry, free. or a white 7-inch
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at meineke i have options... like oil changes starting at $19.95. my money. my choice. my meineke. >> that was the scene in gaza city earlier today before the cease-fire was announced. also today, a bus bombing in tel aviv wounding more than 20 people. at least two bombs planted there on the bus, only one of them detonated. christiane amanpour had an exclusive leader with the hamas leader in cairo and asked him about that specific attack. >> no, no, i'm asking you, did hamas claim responsibility? did hamas do that?
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>> not hamas, not other people from -- not hamas. no one can announce those except those who committed it. not me. the lesson is what matters of the what led to this? who created the circumstances that led to this operations. it is netanyahu with his crimes in killing the kids of gaza, and the continuation. he creates such rea ramificatio. this could lead to what happened in gaza. >> our reporter said when the bombing was announced from loud speakers, there was celebration there in gaza city. i spoke to christiane amanpour.
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>> reporter: you were wondering about the agreement, let's hear what he had to say, let's listen. >> you say you would accept a two-state solution, but that you will not recognize israel's right to exist? >> i accept a state of the 1967. how can i accept israel? they have occupied my land. i need recognition, not the israelis. this is a reverse question. >> what do you make of what he said? christiane. >> reporter: well, i -- when there is a peace agreement, then the palestinians can decide themselves, that was his final point on that. which i thought was really interesting, and it was interesting to hear the head of hamas say that. and he has become quite the figure at the moment, you know,
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anderson, far from being isolated as the u.s. and israel had always wanted to do, now with this muslim brotherhood spring, really, people have been beating down the doors throughout this war to go in and stand shoulder to shoulder with ham hamas. so they have come out of this with somewhat elevated stature. >> and how does that change the dynamic, do you think? in particular with mahmoud abbas, with the palestinian authority, with the group with israel and the united states has been trying to deal with. and as you said, trying to political isolate hamas by not recognizing them? >> reporter: well, i think this must be a nightmare for the palestinian authority and mahmoud abbas, because all the attention has been on gaza, and he has been seated at the table, obviously talking to the egyptians, to the u.s. and israel. but nonetheless, seated at the table. i think what is really interesting, if indeed, the
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parameters of this cease-fire include the lifting of the blockade of gaza, and easing of restrictions, trade and commerce, and travel restrictions, and by the israelis if it results in a lack of rockets coming into israel. no more rockets being fired into israel, and no more re-supply of weapons to gaza, then perhaps there is something to build on. but the fact of the matter is, it looks like hamas is a force to be reckoned with, even eight days after this war. >> and negotiations, if the cease-fire holds for the next 24 hours, negotiations are to begin again for these next steps? >> reporter: yes, obviously, this is a sort of a cease-fire, but there are many more things to be built on it. and the interesting thing again here which didn't happen before is that egypt, the leading player in getting this cease-fire, is a guarantor of
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the cease-fire, that is something that israel wanted, and egypt. israel told me in jerusalem they don't want to go into a nebulous cease-fire, they think if there is a problem, they can go and talk to the guarantor. so that, i think, is a bit of a change, as well. >> all right, christiane amanpour, appreciate talking to you tonight, thank you. and netanyahu warning there could be additional problems if that doesn't lead to security. u.n. secretary general ban ki-moon says there are other issues necessary to address the conflict now. michael, we have heard from a lot of israelis tonight, particularly in the border regions along the gaza border who are very concerned and very doubtful about hamas's ability, long-term to maintain the cease-fire. to live up to the agreements and make progress on these
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agreements. how can you guarantee that hamas will simply not use this and other groups, like islamist jihad, to re-arm, to re-stock their supplies of some of the sophisticated weapons that we've seen them having? >> well, first of all it is good to be back, anderson, as always. first of all, you can understand some israelis who are a little skeptical about the cease-fire. they have been living under weekly, if not daily rocket attacks from hamas since israel pulled out of gaza in 2005. and yes, they have seen various cease-fires and seen them violated again and again by hamas. prime minister netanyahu took a very courageous decision, and prime minister netanyahu, out of the appreciation that america has done for them, in this conflict, particularly the dome
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anti-missile segment, there are no guarantees. and israel will always defend the right to defend itself, should they start to shoot again. we have no conflicts with gaza, we want to live in peace with our neighbors. if hamas doesn't fire at us, hamas has nothing to worry about from the state of israel. >> but do you see now, egypt, playing a greater role in trying to stop the flow of weapons in the tunnels, which is where a lot of the rockets are coming through, through sinai, and then ultimately through the tunnels? >> well, we greatly appreciate egypt's role in this. egypt made a very positive contribution to realizing the cease-fire. but yes, egypt has a role also in blocking the flow of smuggled arms through iran, either through sudan or libya, both of them passing through egyptian
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territory. >> according to this cease-fire, the border restrictions, preventing the moving of people and goods, that will be addressed. just to be clear if we see no sign of aggression within gaza in the next 24 hours, these issues will be dealt with immediately there after? >> they will certainly be discussed. we have had -- our border crossings have been open to gaza through virtually every type of material. there is no food shortage or medical shortages. except for elements like aluminum tubing that could be used to make missiles. that was passed on to u.n. organizations or other organizations that we could trust. there is a big question about the border between gaza and egypt, and they agreed that that would be opened, as well. >> according to a senior obama administration official, it was the president -- president obama's two phone calls today
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that "closed the deal." is that your accurate understanding of how things played out. and what did the u.s. offer to various parties to ultimately sweeten the deal? >> well, president obama played an outstanding role to help achieve the cease-fire, and also secretary of state hillary clinton who shuttled the stop between jerusalem and cairo, and was also instrumental in achieving the agreement. the sweetener is support for israel, support for israel diplomatically, it was very important for us. also the support for the iron dome missile system which you saw working, anderson, and working so outstandingly, taking out about 85-95% of all the incoming rockets and denying hamas the opportunity or ability to strike at our 5 and a half million israelis who are under rocket fire. >> we talked about this, ambassador, a few hours ago.
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there have now been apparently five rockets launched, a number of them intercepted. but three of them landed in southern israel. how do you see that? how seriously do you take that in terms of the violation of the cease-fire thus far? >> we see that it would take a while for the cease-fire to take hold. i understand it has took hold. we are not firing. so there is a cease-fire, anderson. >> all right, thank you, ambassador, i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> well, as the ambassador said, right now the rockets are silent. but there is death and destruction on both sides. there has been. can the cease-fire hold, we'll speak with former senator george mitchell, who was special envoy to the middle east. what is it like in the negotiating rooms, for this, the most difficult of all solutions to come up with. we'll be right back. 44 @4p@4 i'm freaking out man.
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coming up, we'll talk to former senator george mitchell about negotiations and how difficult they can be. and what it is actually like when you're sitting around the negotiation table. we'll be right back.
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fareed zaka . so this is an assortment of rockets that have fallen over the ashkelon area. this is not all of them, there are more of them laying around. this is a rocket, you can tell by the fins that pop out when the rocket gets launched. whereas this is one of the homemade qassam rocket. >> he and his crew were forced to take cover a number of times.
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one american diplomat who understands what it took to negotiate the cease-fire and what it will take to maintain it. is george mitchell, special envoy from 2009-2011. he is schooled in the opposing viewpoints, and also in '99, chaired the committee to help with the agreements there. and i spoke to him about the difficulties that lie ahead. senator mitchell, how optimistic are you that this cease-fire can hold, and what would be the next steps in ensuring that it holds? >> well, it is critically important, the longer it goes on, with fighting and dying, the harder it is to solve any problem. on the other hand, past experience tells us it will be difficult to have a truly enforceable truce that will take hold over a longer period of time. they have been through it many
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times. but i think there is a recognition that both sides's interests can be at stake, the underlying issues. >> in terms of a larger negotiation, how complicated does it become because of of the divisions within the palestinian groups, between fatah, the palestinian authority, the west bank, hamas in control of gaza and other islamist groups, factions, and jihad. >> by far, the most complicated situations i've been involved in ever. and it goes beyond the description, makes it very difficult. and in fact, both sides are very divided. israel has an election coming up in a couple of months. we don't know what the outcome of that will be. and the arab spring has created a new dynamic in the region, hopefully it can be harnessed as a benefit in the moving forward
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of the peace process. but also, can provide obstacles. i think even though we haven't been able to do it in the past, we have to keep trying because it is so important to the people there, to the region, and to the interests of the united states. >> egypt's role is beyond just as a guarantor and negotiating partner, if israel's confidence and their own security is to be assured, the flow of weapons into gaza would have to stop. and egypt would play a critical role, the more sophisticated used in the last couple of days are being smuggled through the tunnels in egypt. >> that is right, anderson, that is not new, the days i was there, that was a constant subject of discussion. it is not easy, remember, this is a vast territory.
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much of it desert. not very well policed. not very many governments. they are competing in the interests of their national government in some cases here. so egypt is undertaking a major role here. and how they're able to succeed in that will go a long way towards deciding how much the whole process moves forward. they're to be commended for what they have done so far. >> this may be a dumb question and naive question, but when you're in the negotiations, is there yelling, arguments, or is it very kind of calm and rational? >> well, in my case, almost all of the discusses were with one side at a time. they wouldn't talk to each other. so while there was a little -- few occasions of raised voices, the two did not directly come together. when we did have the brief meetings between prime minister
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netanyahu and president abbas, they were tense and direct and straightforward. i wouldn't say yelling, but they made their points very strongly, both sides. it will be some time i think, before you will get an israeli representative in the same room with a representative from hampton, they are committed to nonviolent negotiations. >> and i'm curious, sometimes as a reporter when you interview people from various factions, you know, they kind of go into their various talking points and using a lot of rhetoric. is it that way with you, one-on-one with them? i mean, do you have to sit through a lot of rhetoric, or does everybody cut to the chase when there are notameras around? >> you have to sit through a lot of rhetoric, if you don't have patience to listen for a long period of time, don't get into the business of works with
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conflicts. in northern ireland, i spent five years there. sitting through thousands of many hours. and there was yelling, insults, people storming out of the room, demanding that others be thrown out of the room. there was quite a bit of that. and you have to have a huge reservoir of patience, sit through it, listen to what everybody has to say. but in the end, you listen to their sides. peace can't be imposed by the outside, unless you do it by an overwhelming force of arms, which is not the case here. the parties have to want peace here. they can't rely any outside pow they're not interested in it themselves. we have had ten american presidents, israelis, 19 american secretaries of state, countless envoys like myself. and it didn't get done. but it is so important that we
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have to keep trying. >> senator mitchell, i really appreciate your time. it is fascinating to listen to you. >> thanks, anderson. >> well, it is a much different situation than what we saw earlier this morning. we'll check on ben wedeman, to determine if the drones are still flying. we'll talk to him next. i don't spend money on gasoline. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt.
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mahmoud ab . when we come back, we'll take you live to gaza city, all the latest on what is happening there right now. and what the next 24 hours may hold. we'll be right back.
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hama provi . well, that was the reaction, word of the cease-fire began to spread through gaza city. people have been cooped up in their homes for days, pouring into the streets. waving flags. happy for not only the cease-fire, which many saw as a victory for hamas, a victory for palestinians. also, many just happy to get out of the house after days of bombardment. israel says rockets were fired just hours after the announcement of the cease-fire. and the next days will be crucial. joining me right now is fareed zakaria, host of fareed zakaria gps, and back with us, senior international correspondent, ben wedeman in gaza city. any change, i imagine things are pretty quiet? there were celebrations earlier.
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the surveillance drones, i assume, are still flying? >> reporter: it is quiet now, i can hear the chickens downstairs. the drones over head, the sound of the drones were drowned out for a few hours when people were out celebrating. but now they're back, and it really is a reminder that gaza is very much under the control of the israelis. they patrol the sky. they patrol with boats off the coast. and with the war planes, as well. so much has changed in the last eight days. but much has not. anderson? >> ben, in your opinion, i mean, what does this mean for the power of hamas, and the power of the palestinian authority and mahmoud abbas? i mean is this a sort of acknowledgment aid, for an attempt to politically isolate hamas has failed, and that the future lies with hamas as opposed to mahmoud abbas.
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>> reporter: well, i don't think the united states is about to switch sides and back hamas. but it does, indeed, represent failure of the policy that was put into effect after the january 2006 elections here in the palestinian territories, where the united states, with israel, with the european union began to impose some fairly strict restrictions on hamas, in an attempt to isolate it. and in june of 2007, it is widely believed the united states sort of passively supported an attempted fight to try to oust hamas from power, and they have failed. and hamas has managed to survive two israeli wars with israel, so to speak. it survived all of that isolation. all of the sanctions. and now we've seen in the last eight days, senior foreign arab
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ministers. we've seen the turkish foreign minister come. hamas is now out of isolation, now in the main stream, in the changes in the arab world with the so-called arab spring, anderson? >> fareed zakaria, we've seen plenty of these cease-fires before, is there any reason to believe this one will be different that it will actually lead to something long-term? >> i think it is unlike ly it will lead to long term, unless israel wants to. but it is very likely it will lead to conflict, and it will spread. the reality is, israel is now the military super power of the region. ben has wonderfully documented for us the incredible assymetry of power, so when the egyptians think about getting involved. or the turks think about getting involved, they realize they're
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up against a far superior military than they have. and superior compared to even ten years ago. the israelis now spend more money on their defense budget than all of their neighbors combined. so they're in a whole different league, partly because of technology, partly because the israeli economy is doing so well. that the reality is, that is a very strong deterrent to the egyptians or to the turks to get involved. >> well, fareed zakaria, what does this mean about iran, the power of iran in the region and the involvement of iran in the region? >> i think it shows the limits. the iranians are bogged down with their ally, syria, i doubt they were very much involved in this in the first place. but it shows you they don't have much of a reach. this has always been the claim that through hezbollah and hamas, that they had a sort of
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assymetrical power. if the palestinians want peace, they're going to have to make it on israeli terms, right now. >> and do you agree with that? >> well, in part, i mean, one thing i would note, one of the reasons israel has such military predominance is because of the support that president obama has given them on defense matters. you heard the ambassador, several times on the u.s. assistance on the iron dome. and the obama administration has pointed out multiple times that it has really given israel more defense cooperation than any other administration. so that is part of israel's dominance. what i do agree with is that hamas has shown, not withstanding the two israeli incursions and sanctions. they have not only survived but
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have increased their ability to inflict pain on israel. the incursion started because of the constant firing of rockets. and over the course of the last week we have seen rockets landing in tel aviv and even aimed at jerusalem. so i totally agree that iran can't level the playing field, not even close. but i do think that hamas has more power, and now, of course, more political recognition than we might have expected. >> the interesting question, anderson, will be -- >> go ahead. >> the interesting question will be whether hamas gains from this politically. because really what they have been able to do is survive. they have been able to survive the pin prick attacks, the unguided missiles were very effective. yes, where they go into shelters. but they really don't kill people and disrupt israel in a meaningful sense. the question is there are a lot of feelings on the street, that
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fatah, they're not happy with the people. they're sort of stuck with them. part of the israeli embargo, and they don't want to oust hamas, because that would be in a sense doing what israel wants. but hamas is not very popular. >> and ben wedeman, you have been saying that for several months that they're not all that popular. >> no, they're not popular, and fareed zakaria is right to point out that fatah is not popular. i think many palestinians are weary being caught between the two factions, neither of which has really achieved what they want. which is sort of the final solution and ability to live in a state of their own in peace. both have sort of -- fatah was a major engine behind the second, which really didn't leave the palestinians anything in the way of positive results. hamas has sort of gotten gaza
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into endless trouble with israel. i think the people here are indeed looking for some sort of third alternative that can sort of negotiate with israel. it can stay out of sort of the swamp of corruption that fatah fell into. and that many people here in gaza say hamas has gotten into with all the money it is making off the tunnels, and what not. so yes, i think there is an exhaustion with both parties. but we've yet to see a third force emerge here with alternatives, anderson? >> fareed zakaria, emory, thank you very much. we're following more, 360 will follow more on the politics of congressman jesse jackson jr. also susan rice speaking out for the first time about the situation in benghazi. we'll be right back. [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money.
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